Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Three weeks in!

So the last three weeks have been fun. Getting used to having a baby in the house again and of course little sleep. The boys absoultely love there baby sister. Sean grins from ear to ear every time he sees her and Jaken is so helpful and want to hold her all the time. Someone asked Jaken if he liked his little sister and he said "yea, and we get to keep her!" Kids really do say the darndest things. Well enjoy the photos, I will try to take more soon.


Anonymous said...

She is so sweet! I need to bring you her bows. In fact, I was hoping and planning on coming next week. I need to come before she gets even bigger! Cute Girl!!!
I'll call ya!

carlee said...

Wow, Jordan she is so beautiful! and your boys too! It was so nice to see you and I'm so excited for the reunion too. see you soon, the kids can finally see eachother. I think Brielle and Jaken haven't seen eachother since they were one! crazy! love you