Saturday, February 21, 2009

We are trying to be green and save water, so everyone gets to share a bath now!

These two are great together. You can tell they really love each other and play well. Sean is so helpful and love to feed his baby sister now that she is eating more table food. She is always more than willing to try anything you give her. She truely is the pretty princess in our house.

AND Jaken is now five! We had a fun pirate party back in January. My camera was almost out of juice but I was able to get one picture of everyone out of it. I can't belive he is five. Of course looking at the picture everyone is his age and of course he is the biggest. Life is going to be fun for him! So as you can see the children continue to grow and amaze me. I am busier than ever with work and of course the children. Scott is up and down with health issues but we are making it. I hope to post again, till then..................

1 comment:

Ranee said...

Ya' gotta' love "community kid bath's"...that what we call them at our house! Our kiddo's always have fun playing with the bath toys together! They usually take a bath 2 at a time! So cute! :0)